We appreciate our customers, so feel free to contact us by email, phone or text. We want every angler to have the best bait!
7266 Tegner Rd., PO Box 995 Hilmar, CA 95324, USA
Phone/Text: Pam, Office Manager 209-535-7717 Howard, Production/Sales 209-822-9556 Lucas, PR/Sales 209-327-8047 Lance, Color-Design/Sales 209-756.7316 Email: forrealfishing1@aol.com
There are no store hours as we are just a warehouse. The times listed are for online mail order processing, online/phone order in person pickup only.
Monday - Friday: 8 AM- 5 PM (PST)
Saturday: 8 AM - 10 AM (PST)
Sunday: Closed
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